General Liability (CE Credits Available)
Instructor-led via Zoom.
This is a two hour course and is an introduction to the General Liability policy form and focuses on the coverage overview, coverage definitions, insuring agreement, conditions and additional insured requests. Key endorsements addressing additional insured status will be reviewed along with a sample contract requesting an additional insured and the impact this has on the policy.
The following will also be addressed in this course:
- The differences between occurrence and claims made policies
- Examination of coverages within the policy, including:
- Bodily Injury & Property Damage
- Medical Payments
- Personal and Advertising Injury
- Products and Completed Operations
- Definitions of the verbiage used within the policy
- Exclusions in a Commercial General Liability Policy
- Insuring agreements and conditions
- In-depth investigation of additional insured endorsements with expansion into:
- The history of the forms
- Which forms are used today and why
- A case study showing the importance of having the correct endorsement
- Review of the ACORD General Liability Application
CE Requirements
ICA Webinar Guidelines
In accordance with NAIC Guidelines and Regulations
Course Guidelines for Classroom Webinar/Webcast Delivery
These guidelines apply to courses conducted via instructor-led live webinars, attended in real-time in all locations.
- The student is provided a login (user name, password, and/or email) by ICA before the course start date and an invitation to the course. Students must sign in and sign out utilizing the Chat feature on the Webinar and/or email. Insurance Centers of America maintain all minimum student requirements and attendance as required by State Statutes.
- All participants must provide their License Number and State license at the beginning of each course via the chat feature.
- At the beginning of each course, the instructor reviews ICAs attendance guidelines, course participation requirements, course expectations, and course agenda.
- The instructor determines Insurance Centers of America, Inc’s process to evaluate when a participant is inactive or not fully participating. Each course is interactive, and the instructors ask questions throughout, requiring each student to respond accordingly. Two poll questions are asked during the course, and each student must answer via Chat, which they have a minimum of 1-minute to respond. Students are required to interact in real-time with the instructor. Courses are structured, so everyone can interact, ask questions, and respond to the instructor anytime during the course.
- As mentioned, Insurance Centers of America, Inc. maintains an electronic roster including records for each participant’s login/log-out times. Included are records of the session and copies of the Chat dialog. Chat is monitored constantly by the instructor, in real-time, and responded to in real-time. Chat conversations are copied and saved on our computer system and record books.
- Inactivity is not logging in or out; they do not participate or return late from a scheduled break. If any of these occur, the student will not get credit for the course. Our courses are designed for the participation of students. They will not receive CE credit for the course.
- Our courses are provided via interactive Webinar. As mentioned above, students are called upon during the entire instruction period and are required to interact within the course timeframe. As mentioned in bullet point #4, we also require all students to answer poll questions within 1-minute. Since this is a webinar course, students and Instructors may be in different locations.
- Insurance Centers of America, Inc provides 50 minutes of instruction for each credit offered to meet the requirements for the continuing education requirements.
Since this course offering is an instructor-led Webinar, no final exam is required.
Please note: Texas requires 3 student minimum for CE course. If your resident state is TX and the course does not have 3 students or more enrolled, CE credit cannot be given.